ICT-Pros Consultants Ltd is an Information Technology company registered under provision of Business Ordinance (Cap 213) of the United Republic of Tanzania. The company was registered in 2010 with registration number 15876. We offer professional, high quality and client focused Information Technology Services for private companies and corporate market.
Our goal is always to provide our clients with customized solutions that suit both their business goals and their technology budget. Furthermore, we help our clients to improve results through standardization, consolidation, and integration. We understand that our clients hire us not only for our expertise but also to eliminate, minimize or mitigate project risk. Our grander goal is not just to get the job done, but also to help our clients increase productivity, save money and see greater profit.
We have a strong believe in the idea of Open Source. Whenever possible we are using Open Source.
We are also strongly engaged in a number of training programs where students and IT staff can get free training to build up their skills and keeping up to date with technology.